Friday, October 12, 2012

9 months since he left for the ow.... update - Talk About Marriage

Coping with Infidelity Relationship recovery from the destructiveness of infidelity.

Old Today, 01:58 AM ? #1 (permalink)



Join Date: Mar 2012

Posts: 325

It has been 9 months since my h left me and our 4 week old and 22 month old at the time. If you are interested in the back story read my original thread my husband left me for an 18 year old
Things have been up and down. He is still with ow and I'm 99% sure they moved in together. The whole thing is sick. I have been doing much better and just getting on with my life up until 2 days ago. I receive a text from the ow then, while having an after dinner walk with my children. It said something to the effect that she thinks 'it's time' that we meet up and talked. Ummm... no. It's not. I didn't text back. Then the next day she called both of my phones total of 11 times. I didn't pick up.
When my stbxh came to pick up the kids today the asked me if i received the phone calls from ow, because she wanted to meet up with me. I seriously nearly lost it. I'm a fiery ***** to say the least..
I told him that she is persona non grata to me. There is no way in hell I will EVER speak to her. She doesn't exist in my life. I don't give a rat's ass if she lives with him, marries him, or gets pregnant. My life is free of her. I don't discuss my intimate relationships with 18 year old, stbx husband barely high school graduated students. However many he may have, now or in the future. I told him that if he wants to discuss things with me that's fine, but this is between us, she does not exist.
Words cannot describe how I feel right now. The lack of empathy and thoughtlessness blow me away. I will not grant absolution. We still have to be married until Jan (law here), so no, it's 'not time we talked'. She's ****ing my husband and shattered my relationship. I don't get a chance to fix anything, for the sake of my children or for the sake of love.
Absolutely not.
This is such a slap in the face. WTF are those two morons thinking? I don't know why the hell she would even imagine that I would speak to her? She's around my children, I can't stop that if they're living together. It will hurt her that much more when it's over; she'll lose all 3 of them. I am not getting dealt with by a teenager. Jesus Christ.
Am I mildly interested in what she had to say? No. I'm not. It was probably some idealized bull**** about how she cares about my children and her and my husband are forever so can we all be friends? Christ, how high school.... No we will not be friends. **** off.
Thanks for letting me rant. I'm just sitting here with anxiety in my stomach and a fresh new cut in my heart. **** this.
Gotta be kidding me.

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Old Today, 03:26 AM ? #6 (permalink)

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It has been 9 months since my h left me and our 4 week old and 22 month old at the time. If you are interested in the back story read my original thread my husband left me for an 18 year old
Things have been up and down. He is still with ow and I'm 99% sure they moved in together. The whole thing is sick. I have been doing much better and just getting on with my life up until 2 days ago. I receive a text from the ow then, while having an after dinner walk with my children. It said something to the effect that she thinks 'it's time' that we meet up and talked. Ummm... no. It's not. I didn't text back. Then the next day she called both of my phones total of 11 times. I didn't pick up.
When my stbxh came to pick up the kids today the asked me if i received the phone calls from ow, because she wanted to meet up with me. I seriously nearly lost it. I'm a fiery ***** to say the least..
I told him that she is persona non grata to me. There is no way in hell I will EVER speak to her. She doesn't exist in my life. I don't give a rat's ass if she lives with him, marries him, or gets pregnant. My life is free of her. I don't discuss my intimate relationships with 18 year old, stbx husband barely high school graduated students. However many he may have, now or in the future. I told him that if he wants to discuss things with me that's fine, but this is between us, she does not exist.
Words cannot describe how I feel right now. The lack of empathy and thoughtlessness blow me away. I will not grant absolution. We still have to be married until Jan (law here), so no, it's 'not time we talked'. She's ****ing my husband and shattered my relationship. I don't get a chance to fix anything, for the sake of my children or for the sake of love.
Absolutely not.
This is such a slap in the face. WTF are those two morons thinking? I don't know why the hell she would even imagine that I would speak to her? She's around my children, I can't stop that if they're living together. It will hurt her that much more when it's over; she'll lose all 3 of them. I am not getting dealt with by a teenager. Jesus Christ.
Am I mildly interested in what she had to say? No. I'm not. It was probably some idealized bull**** about how she cares about my children and her and my husband are forever so can we all be friends? Christ, how high school.... No we will not be friends. **** off.
Thanks for letting me rant. I'm just sitting here with anxiety in my stomach and a fresh new cut in my heart. **** this.
Gotta be kidding me.

I'm in the process of being left for another woman too. I'm so, so sorry this happened to you. I keep thinking that if mine weren't leaving me for a nearly 60 year old woman who looks enough like a man that people have actually thought it's a cross dresser sometimes that maybe I'd feel better. But as I was reading your post I realized that no, it wouldn't feel better. It never feels better. I wish you strength. And I'm very sorry that you have to go through allowing your children to be around someone like that, well sounds like their dad isn't maybe a good one to be around either. I have no idea what that would feel like. I hope you'll find the beautiful life you deserve.
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Old Today, 03:34 AM ? #7 (permalink)



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I am so sorry to hear about your situation. The fact he left you for another woman is bad enough, but an 18 year old must just cut that much deeper.

I hope you don't see this as flippant, but it is almost laughable that this 'relationship' is serious, even more laughable that your husband is taking it seriously! I mean, god, an 18 year old? How old is he? Surely there can only be disaster ahead for them. At minimum they have got together under dubious circumstances and theirs will never be a fully secure relationship. If she got pregnant she will then have the full realisation of what she did to you hit her, and she will be forever wondering when she will receive the same treatment. He will always be wondering why she goes for him and when she will get bored and go for someone nearer her own age. This really can only lead to disaster. They will be very lucky if it all works out.

I agree with Kando. You definitely need to get to a point of indifference. Look at what you have gained (impossible considering all you have lost? I hope not completely impossible) you have found out what a bastard your hubby is before you spent even more years with him. I am guessing you are still young given that your children are so young, and so you have all that time in front of you to find someone more decent than him. I hope he was an education for you, that you will be educated on certain patterns of behaviour and you will know what to avoid next time, and thus be better educated to choose a better mate. And by golly, best of all, you don't have to wash his dirty pants and smelly socks no more...she does! There! Problem sorted, life is good! What on earth have you got left to complain about?

The only other thing you could do that might make you feel better, you could meet her, smile sweetly, be really nice to her, and then ask her about all his really irritating habits, his health problems, his weird nuances, those unpleasant things you did for him because you loved him but would never do for anyone else, ask her what she will do when she gets pregnant and he leaves her for a 16 year old, ask what happens when they are married, have a family of their own and she will have a diminished income due to his responsibilities in financing his previous family, what happens when you all have to have a third each of his income instead of half because he has left her with babies and moved on and got another woman pregnant....oh the possibilities are endless. You could have much mileage out of meeting her and being lovely. Just choose your questions carefully, and the most pertinent ones first before she stomps off in a teenage strop!

They can't tell you what you need to get over 'it'! The only way forward if they GENUINELY care is 'What can I DO FOR YOU to make it better?'
Originally posted by TRy:
Question: How does a cheater say screw you?
Answer: They say "trust me".

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